

Banna Park


A view from the street along side Banna Park Entrance
Paths inside the park



Banna Park is the largest park in Okinawa Prefecture


Banna Park  バンナ公園  was constructed by Okinawa Prefectural government over 20 years ago and is currently managed by a privately organized contractor.

As being very large in size (approximately more than 400 hectare), the possible and potential number of its customer will be more than those of city's population, however, the actual customer in fact is limited geographically to the dwellers and the tourists of Ishigaki city.



Banna Park consitsts of five zones



Five zones of Banna Park


Banna Park is being constructed by taking advantage of the geography and natural environment of Mt. Banna. There are five unique zones connected with paths within the park area. In most cases, visitors will be able to enjoy observing plants, birds, and scenic beauties from each zone.


Here are the five zones of the park

1) Entrance

North side entrance (main entrance), West and South entrance are also often used for visitors.

2) Bridges

 Seishika Bridge 聖紫花の橋

Seishika 聖紫花 is ever green trees of azalea with blightly colored flowers.

3) Open areas

 Lawn areas、Children's square, 

4) Observatory

 There are several observatories within the park. The dinosaur egg observatories is one of them and very popular.

5) Banna Winding Road

The mountain road connecting the south entrance and the north is suitable as a driving course where visitors can enjoy flesh natural environment and scenic beauties.