




石垣島にある1室だけのゲストルーム:ゲストルームアルン石垣島です予約・お問い合わせはウェブサイトからお気軽にどうぞ おはようございます石垣島は今日もセミの鳴き声がうるさい朝を迎えています。ひと雨来そうですヨGOOD MORNING from Ishigaki 石垣島自…

How about walking in the Banna forest?

November is one of the best seasons to visit Banna Park in Ishigaki.

Ishigaki MANGO

Mangoes and their trees grown in a vinyl pipe house Mango season almost sets in The queen of the tropical fruits - mango - is highly recommended in Ishigaki jima (Ishigaki Island) together with pineapples around this time of the year. The …

At Nosoko on the day of Japanese Emperor’s historic abdication

I am now at the north-western part of Ishigaki island called Nosoko 野底. It is well known as the place where Mt Nosoko Mape 野底マーペー is located. It takes about half an hour from city center by car taking the Omoto Tunnel 於茂登トンネ…

Banna Park

A view from the street along side Banna Park Entrance Paths inside the park Banna Park is the largest park in Okinawa Prefecture Banna Park バンナ公園 was constructed by Okinawa Prefectural government over 20 years ago and is currently man…

The best time in Ishigaki

Ishigaki Sunset at the port of Ishigaki A short period of time before the sunset is my favorate in summer. The heat wave during day time ceases and comfortable ocean breeze starts to blow instead. This wonderful magical time will last only…

Bread Roll stuffed with purple red sweat potato

Beni Imo Anpan If you have not eaten Beni Imo Anpan 紅芋あんぱん (bread roll filled with purple red sweat potato) made and sold by Tomi-no Panya トミーのパン屋 (Tommy's Bread) yet, we believe you should try it right away. Tommy's Bread is …